Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Christian Writers Conference 2011


                                         By Rev.Simeon O. Afolabi

While it may seem trite on the surface, a good way to examine our subject is to find out what makes people (want to) write. And in answering this you should not be surprised to get as many reasons as there are writers. From an online source the following reasons are supplied:
....To inform people about things
....To persuade people
....Because it is their job
....For money
....To become famous
....There is nothing else to do
....To become happier with themselves
....For personal enjoyment and the enjoyment of others
....Because they like it
....For a hobby
....To express themselves
....Because they are good at it
....To become a better writer
....To expand their imagination
....To use their imagination without feeling stupid
....Because there are no limits to writing
....So you can make up your mind
....To escape into another world

If this indeed represent the reasons why people write then writing cover from the absurd to the abstract, from the mundane to the fundamental. What can be said, however, is that every form of writing offers some aspect of the writer's world. It is impossible to totally separate a work from its author, since what you have on paper are thoughts, opinions, advises, and perhaps experiences.

The Need To Write (General)
Many of the reasons we saw in the list does not justify writing. So let us turn our attention to why there should be written works.
1. To fill historical void
It is often said that there are three sources of history. The first is oral tradition. This is what is passed from one generation to the other by words of mouth. Then we have archaeological discoveries. This is a way of piecing together information about the past by what has been unearthed. Finally we have the written records. Without written works there would be a big void in history.

2. To entertain
Have you ever picked up a material you read with relish? Do some work make you giggle, smile, or even roar in laughter? Yes, books are a vital source of entertainment. Actually, most plays and films are produced from story lines from one written work or another.

3. To educate
In more respect than one, knowledge is the light of life. To be without knowledge is to grope in the dark. We get enlightened through written works.

4. To offer solutions
Life is full of tasks and challenges. People want to know how to solve problems and move their life forward. This is where books that come in "How To" format are important.

5. To immortalize
There are works that have endured several millennia that are still being cited today in public discourse. It seems nothing immortalizes an individual better than writing. Someone has said that if you want to be remembered, write or do something that is worth writing about.

The Need To Write (Specific)
Viewed from the standpoint of Christianity, the need to write becomes heavier. Before going into this let us briefly consider cases where the writing mandate was given to some individuals in the Bible
....Moses was told to write. Exodus
....Isaiah received the mandate to write. Isaiah 8:1
....God commanded Jeremiah to write. Jer. 30:2; 36:2
....Ezekiel wrote in
 obedience to God. Ezekiel 43:11
Habakkuk was told to document the vision. Hab. 2:1-2
....John severally got his order to write from the Lord. Rev. 1:11,19; 2:1,8,,12,18;
 14:13; 19:9; 21:5.

Unlike in general writing where someone can come up with reasons that suits his or her fancy to write, the Christian writer should approach his work from a more sublime, noble perspective. The fact that God took time to instruct some people to write is a pointer to the fact that God considers it important. Christian writers should therefore see themselves engaged in divine enterprise.

Need For Christian Writings
1. Writing creates memorial. Exodus 17:14

2. Writing is for a witness. Exodus 34:27; Deuteronomy 31:9

3. Writings are a custodian of events, the building blocks of history.

4. Inspired writings often serve as blueprint

5. Writings convey joy. 1 John 1:4

6. Writings refreshes or reminds. 2 Peter 3:1

7. Writings can come handy as instruments of war. All Jesus needed to ward off Satan was the written word.

What To Write
1. Write on what you understand. Luke 1:1-3

2. Write what you have experienced. 1 John 1:1-4

3. Write the visions and revelations that God has given you. 2 Corinthians 12:1.
 Roberts Liardon hit the world stage with his book, "I Saw Heaven". 

Writing does not only serve to connect people (most of the writings of Paul were meant to connect him with the brethren), it also connect between generations. Writing is the bridge that connects the past with the present. And in some fundamental ways too, it is the compass that helps us navigate into the futu


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