Thursday, November 7, 2024

God's Vindication Of Our Ministry

God's Vindication Of Our Ministry 
II Kings 4:36-37 NKJV
[36] And he called Gehazi and said, “Call this Shunammite woman.” So he called her. And when she came in to him, he said, “Pick up your son.” [37] So she went in, fell at his feet, and bowed to the ground; then she picked up her son and went out. 

Just because God has blessed you  or cause a prophetic word to come to pass, doesn't mean the enemy will not attempt to cause doubts on your calling or ministry. A casual look at history will show several people who have suffered a similar experience. This child came by a prophetic word. This was an attempt to discredit the word from God. The child died. 
   One of our readers sent me a crucial rejoinder. Would it have been possible that Gehazi failed because he was not properly trained? That's a whole new thesis. Even Elisha had to take time with the child before he came back to life. It took time. So let's forgive Gehazi. This was a satanic strategy to destroy Elisha's ministry and the favour he was enjoying.
   It is at moments like this that some ministers give up, develop self doubt and perhaps abandon ministry. Here's a report from my AI " Billy Graham and Charles Templeton were both young evangelists who experienced doubts about the Bible, God, and the Christian faith. Graham emerged stronger than Templeton, who's faith did not survive the test. Graham had friends to help him through his crisis, which may be why he was able to overcome doubt". Well, Elisha had no one except God. Most times that's the only support you will have. So he prayed, walked around and prayed some more. Our verse today is the testimony. 
   When you have no support to prove ministry, remember, God is the one who called you. He will vindicate your ministry. Moses doubted whether he could lead Israel out of bondage. Its okay to experince intial doubts. Just let God. He will vindicate your ministry. I pray that your faith will not fail. The child will rise again. Thank you Lord! Good morning.

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