Tuesday, November 19, 2024

It Was Borrowed

It Was Borrowed !
II Kings 6:4-5 NKJV
[4] So he went with them. And when they came to the Jordan, they cut down trees. [5] But as one was cutting down a tree, the iron ax head fell into the water; and he cried out and said, “Alas, master! For it was borrowed.”

Today's vignette raises the old question of being in debt. The sons of the prophet borrowed an axe, now, they have lost it. Let's draw a parallel in our contemporary times. It confronts us with the questions: Should a Christian borrow? What happens if you loose on what you borrowed? There are no direct answers. Jeffrey W. Hamilton asks the question: Is it a sin to be in debt? He touches on why some people say you should not borrow. "For some Christians, it's a sin to be in debt." As I continued to read, the author admitted that only a few "hardliners" say owing money is morally wrong. The verses they used to justify their belief were Romans 13:8, which says to owe no man anything but love, and Proverbs 22:7, which says debts put other people in control of your life. While I agree that being in debt is not the best circumstance within to find yourself, can we say that being in debt is a sin?". Here is Hamilton's attempt to answer this question. " God clearly warns us not to go into debt or cosign a loan unless we are certain we can repay our obligation (Proverbs 22:26-27). You must conclude then that some debt is allowed. You can owe money to other people and not be in sin. However, debt carries a responsibility - you must repay your debts. Think about it, borrowing money is a promise to the lender to return the borrowed money". All promises must be kept. Those sons of the Prophet had promised they will return axe. Now, they cried: It was borrowed.
   Have you ever been confronted like this in life? Its called double jeopardy. You borrowed, and you lost. You have to find what you borrowed to return while you're experiencing the pain of the lost. They cried that it was borrowed. If it was their axe, they could have left it, but it was borrowed. Are you feeling their pain?
   Someone says that " Repaying debts is seen as a matter of integrity and righteousness. Being responsible with what we borrow reflects our character and commitment to doing what is right". I agree. Psalm 37:21. 
    If you follow the world financial system, you'll get caught up in borrowing, but you can cry to God to help you get out of debt. I have experienced it, so can you. Tomorrow we will find out how those sons of the prophet got out of debt. They called on their Master. You too have to call your Master, Jesus. Do it now. Good morning.

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