Tuesday, February 11, 2025

There's A Remnant

There's A Remnant 
II Kings 19:30-31 NKJV
[30] And the remnant who have escaped of the house of Judah Shall again take root downward, And bear fruit upward. [31] For out of Jerusalem shall go a remnant, And those who escape from Mount Zion. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.’

The Remnant is a concept used in both the Old testament and the New testament to refer to " a person or persons who fulfill the Lord’s Purpose for the Whole when the Whole either cannot or will not fulfill it. ( Chip Brogden). Someone else describes it as a " group of believers who remain faithful to the core teachings and practices of the faith, even in times of widespread apostasy or moral decline". During a time when violence and sin filled the earth, there is one man called Noah, who alone is righteous and pleasing to God. He was a remnant. So when God  judged mankind with the flood, He  does not make a full end. God spared Noah and his family and makes a new beginning with them.
     So God says, there will be a remnant from the house of Judah and Jerusalem. Guzik explains that  it means, " As much as the Assyrians would like to crush Jerusalem and Judah, they would not be able to. God would preserve His remnant". Wiseman adds that, The doctrine of the remnant (vv. 4, 30) left by God’s grace through times of trial was demonstrated by Isaiah, whose son was named Shear-Jashub, ‘remnant will return’ (Isa 7:3; Isa 37:30-32). Israelites fled to Judah so that in one sense Judah also included the remnant of Israel to carry on God’s name and work.” Sometimes the enemy thinks it's got you, but God is not yet through with you. God will spring a revival with the remnants. 
    What God is doing is that the remnant will take their root downwards and begin to bear fruit upwards. That means, " The remnant shall yet again be planted in their own habitations and shall take root there and grow rich. That soul is indeed prosperous who takes root downward by faith in Christ, and then becomes fruitful upward in righteousness". A few years ago, this word was for Judah and Israel. Today, its yours. Take root downward. There's a time of celebration very soon in a great harvest. Good morning.

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