Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The God Who Answers By Fire

The God Who Answers By Fire
I Kings 18:23-24 NKJV
[23] Therefore let them give us two bulls; and let them choose one bull for themselves, cut it in pieces, and lay it on the wood, but put no fire under it; and I will prepare the other bull, and lay it on the wood, but put no fire under it. [24] Then you call on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the Lord; and the God who answers by fire, He is God.” So all the people answered and said, “It is well spoken.”

A segment of a blog post from Holy Ghost Fellowship International reads like today's emergency response information. " There is a time to draw the bloodline. There is a time to confront the powers that have held you down, a time to confront the powers that mock the image and glory of God in your life. There is a time to confront idolatry; there is a time to confront the other gods that crave your worship; these are the other gods that want to mock the real God who created the universe. There is a time to get up and confront the things that are challenging your walk with God and determine in your heart that things cannot continue the way they are, they must change for the better and align with the purpose of God for your life. That time, I believe, is now". Sensitivity to life timings will bring you to the point of calling fire or rain from heaven. Please hear me...the devil is a bad devil. He does not understand pleas or your apologies. Elijah had reached an end. 
There has to be a time we will need to put our faith on line and ask God to show up. This was the time. You see God loves when a mortal abadones self at his feet. What took the garden away was when a mortal doubted what God said. What will restore the garden is our absolute faith in Him. When Stephen was killed, the word records that he saw Jesus standing in heaven ( Acts 7:55-56 ). That is after he sat down in victory. He stood up to welcome a person of faith. Don't give it to me that my faith has no reward. It made Christ stand up from the throne. Elijah demonstrated faith. He did more when they failed to bring down fire from their God. He poured twelve buckets of water on the sacrifice to represent the tribes. Hear me, fire came, and licked everything on the altar. Today our concern is that audacious faith that God will answer. Tomorrow we will look at something else he did. God will answer you today. He knows how to defend his Name. He will answer you by fire.
What Elijah did was so significant that he appeared on the Mt of transfiguration in Lk.9. You see, Baal is a do it yourself system, but our God answers prayers. What you cant do, He will do it for you if you call on Him. Good morning.

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