Monday, August 12, 2024

who Really Troubled Israel?

Who Really Troubled Israel?
I Kings 18:16-18 NKJV
[16] So Obadiah went to meet Ahab, and told him; and Ahab went to meet Elijah. [17] Then it happened, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said to him, “Is that you, O troubler of Israel?” [18] And he answered, “I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house have, in that you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and have followed the Baals. 

Sometimes people make use of words without caring to know their deep imports. When Ahab refered to Elijah as a troubler in Israel, and Elijah told him same, they were both right. It depends on what kind of trouble they were both looking at. Elijah was a spiritual troubler who insisted on following the true God. In the next verses following , you'll be a witness to how much trouble Elijah will cause to eight hundred and fifty false prophets. Elijah was such a trouble maker that he could lock the heavens for three and a half years. The devil dreads these kind of trouble makers. Every time a child of God goes on his knees against the kingdom of darkness, they are creating trouble. That's why the devil will do everything possible for you not to pray. On the other hand, Ahab was a trouble maker in pursuing to extinction the prophets of God. This is how David Guzik describes him. " Ahab was easily the worst, most ungodly king that Israel ever had. Yet he did not hesitate to blame the godly prophet Elijah for the problems of Israel. If Ahab would at least stop the active persecution of the people of God, God would relent in the drought. But the wicked king of Israel found it easier to blame the godly prophet".  Ahab's  theology was minted in hell. Here is Guzik again. " Ahab believed in Baal, so much so that his government promoted and supported Baal worship and persecuted the worshippers of Yahweh. Ahab believed that Elijah had angered the sky-god Baal and therefore Baal withheld rain. Ahab probably thought that Baal would hold back the rain until Elijah was caught and executed". Imagine that that kind of thinking. Now we know the real trouble maker. The irony in life is that there is no middle camp. You have to make a life choice of what kind of trouble you want to make in life. When the heavens were locked, it affected everyone. You cant afford to be on the sidelines. Today, the pattern has not changed. Trying not to offend the devil is weak and apologetic. The battle will get to you, whether you provoked anything. So why don't you just decide on the side of victory before the battle starts. Be a good trouble maker. When Elijah explains on why Ahab was a trouble maker, he said that Ahab has abandoned the commandments of God. What kind of trouble maker are you? In 2Cor.2:4, Paul speaks about his troubles and anguish of heart. In 
2Thes.1:6, Paul says that it is  beautiful for God to give trouble to those who trouble you. Its okay to be a trouble maker, but you have to choose which kind you want to be. Good morning.

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