Saturday, August 17, 2024

why The Fire Fell

Why The Fire Fell
I Kings 18:38 NKJV
[38] Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench. 

One of our avid readers called my attention. " You jumped the reason for the fire, God's faithfulness to His covenant!" Indeed the word is deep. Let's attempt to unbundle this observation of love. Thank you Pastor Babs. Bianca Juárez in 2016 tried to bring us to awareness of what Elijah was up against: 
* The king and queen who despised Elijah and wanted him dead
* 850 prophets of Baal
*Slim chances of survival if God didn’t show up in fire
*And all of this without proof that God had ever acted as Elijah was asking."
Add to this the audacious call to pour twelve buckets of water into the sacrifice. Pause, in my last science class in Wikipedia, they said  that " burning, is a high-temperature exothermic redox chemical reaction between a fuel (the reductant) and an oxidant". What that means is that it is not water that makes fire burn. It would have been if he poured in petrol or kerosene To pour in twelve buckets of water into the sacrifice was to put the nails on the coffin against  himself. For Elijah, it was either going to be God, or nothing.
 Yet, God answered by fire. Why did God do that? God did it for His Name Sake.  Elijah called upon Him. He did it for the protection of the Covenant, which they had departed from. He did it to point out that Baal is a dead god. He did it to change the heart of the people back to Him. Just imagine if God didn't answer him. It would have been a tragedy of greatest proportions for the Prophet Elijah.Tim Ogundele suggests a few other reasons why the fire fell:
* 1. Elijah knew God intimately. Daniel said, “The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits, [Daniel 11:32b].
* 2. Elijah was an holy man of God who always hears from God and do obeyed Him.
* 3. God wanted to honour Elijah to become a man of fire by answering his prayer.
* 4. He was on God’s side and fighting the battle of God. See 1 Kings 18:17-19. We can only take few.
  Thank God the fire fell. You have no idea of what is released when you pray. Note that the fire did not just lick the wster, it licked the stones. Thank you Jesus for answered prayers. Now its your turn. Make the fire fall. That doesn't sound like it was just a simple meditative prayer. It sounds like it was war. Lets get on our knees and nake this happen. Good morning.

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