Thursday, September 5, 2024

Be Alert: The Enemy will Return

Be Alert: The Enemy Will Return 
I Kings 20:22 NKJV
[22] And the prophet came to the king of Israel and said to him, “Go, strengthen yourself; take note, and see what you should do, for in the spring of the year the king of Syria will come up against you.” 

In Mat.12:43-45, there's a story about the attitude of demons cast out of someone. Jesus explains that these spirits will walk about ,and finding no rest. So they decide to go back to the old house. They always want to return to check out where they were driven away, with the intention to return with more wicked demons. 
   Currently, there's an international situation between Israel and Hamas on a piece of ground between Egypt and Gaza. Its called the Philadelphi Corridor. The Israeli President doesn't have faith that the enemy will not use the border to import weapons to attack Israel. He is seeking a ratification of the 2005 agreement. Its a little piece of land of a hundred meters by fourteen kilometers. That piece of ground, the President says, will make the enemy to return. The issue is not winning the war. The issue is to be on the alert that the enemy will return.
   So the prophet gave the warning that the enemy will return. Be alert, the enemy's greatest weakness is that it will return for that same house. How ready are you? Most people tend to relax after the initial victory. Please be informed, the enemy will return. Do what the Prophet says: strengthen yourself. Study, fast, pray, discuss strategies. Don't let the devil take you unawares.
   Most people loose spiritual warfare because they loose sight of the enemy's return. In the military, the strategy that works is Clear and Hold. That is a " strategy in which military personnel clear an area of guerrillas or other insurgents, and then keep the area clear of insurgents while winning the support of the populace for the government and its policies". Hold your ground. Good morning.

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