Sunday, September 29, 2024

When The Season Changes

When The Season Changes 
II Kings 1:7-8 NKJV
[7] Then he said to them, “What kind of man was it who came up to meet you and told you these words?” [8] So they answered him, “A hairy man wearing a leather belt around his waist.” And he said, “It is Elijah the Tishbite.”

Seasons had changed. Elijah was no more tge center of attention in the land. We all grow up and the attention we enjoyed passes unto the younger generation. We haven't heard much about Elisha so far, but very soon. Elijah's story appears occasionally now. Time has past. Even the kings emissaries did not appear to recognize Elijah. They could only describe his looks. 
   You will not always be young. Times will change. All you need to do is to maximize your season. Here is Andrew Linder talking about growth with our children. " Recognize your season.
Getting your season right starts by recognizing the different seasons and which one you’re currently in. There are four primary seasons of life for most people: childhood/growth years, family/parenting years, mid-life/empty-nester years, and the senior golden years.
Identifying your season ought to help shape your current goals and aspirations. There are things you can only do in certain seasons (like raising your kids), while there are many things you can always do, regardless of the season (like investing in hobbies or working late nights at the office). Recognizing your season should give clarity to prioritizing what you and others in your life need from you right now".
  There was a time Elijah could challenge the King and four hundred prophets of Baal on the same grounds. Today he can only wait for the King's messengers who do not even know him. Its their description that reminded the King that Elijah was still alive. Do me a favour, maximize your seasons. Even if you called fire from heaven, it will be forgotten. Elijah can tell that story better. 
  The only thing that didn't change with the man was his prophetic insight. Don't loose your anointing. Study James Rebanks’ book: The Shepherd. It will help you stabilize your life seasons. People use different climatic seasons to describe life seasons.  So it may vary from four in the temperate regions to two in the tropics if we accept the classifications. Whichever model you may want to use, remember, there will be a passage of season. Are you preparing for it? Good morning.

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